The Collect for today's Mass reads, "Father, to honor you, Saint Stanislaus faced martyrdom with courage. Keep us strong and loyal in our faith until death."
Stanislaus was born July 26, 1030, educated in Poland's capital city Gniezno and at Paris. His skills were recognized by the bishop of Krakow as he was appointed the archdeacon and preacher. In 1072, Stanislaus was elected bishop of Krakow. J. Michael Thompson's hymn captures the life of Stanislaus:
Victory and pow'r and reign
Have been won by Christ the slain.
Full authority resides
In the Christ once crucified,
Stanislaus, the bishop brave,
For the Lord his life he gave,
With the poor his love he shared,
For the needy gladly cared.
When confronted with the king,
Knowing truth could earn death's sting,
He rebuked the royal wrong,
Earned by death the martyr's song.
To the Father let us sing,
And to Christ, our deathless King,
To the Paraclete, all praise,
Shining through these Lenten* days.
(normal text: Easter*)
J. Michael Thompson
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