O Lord, in union with millions of believers, and
prostrate here at thy feet, we pray Thee to save, defend, and long preserve the
Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI the Father of the glorious society of souls,
our own Father. Today and every day he prays for us, fervently offering to Thee
the sacred victim of love and peace. Turn then, O Lord, thy loving eyes upon
us, who forgetful as it were of ourselves pray now above all things for him.
Unite our prayers with his, and receive them into the bosom of thy infinite
mercy, as a most sweet perfume of that living and efficacious charity, in which
the children of the Church are united to their Father. All that he asks of Thee
today we too ask for with him. Whether he sorrows or rejoices, or when he hopes
or offers the victim of love for his people, we would be united with him. We
desire that the utterance of our souls should be one with his. Amen.
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