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Here is part 2 of communications from the Capuchins: Capcuhins in Japan United part 2, April 3 2011.pdf
This page contains a single entry by Paul Zalonski published on April 4, 2011 10:32 AM.
The true story of St Padre Pio: Obedientia et Pax was the previous entry in this blog.
Making God's Work Our Own: Carl Anderson talks about JFK's enduring importance is the next entry in this blog.
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Hi Paul!
Totally off subject, but I was wondering if you had any "insider scoop" on Bernhard Lehner, the 14 y.o. German boy who 'died of an illness' in WWII Germany? It sounds intriguing...(yes that's a hint!)
Praying you're having a profound Lententide...:)
God Bless,