I've not been a fan of the NAB and so I hope this new work of the nearly 100 scholars, theologians and bishops have produced a better translation than the previous one.
The US Bishops' Conference published online the 7 penitential psalms and song of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah for Lent, take a look.
Thank you for sharing this link. I went and looked at Psalm 51 (LXX 50) since that's a psalm all Orthodox clergy have to memorize and I'm always intrigued at how they translate it. I was surprised to find that they used the word "transgressions," which has moral implications. In the Greek the word is: ἀνομίας (literally: without law). In the Slavonic it's: беззаконие (again, literally: without law). I'm surprised that most translations don't translate this more literally, especially with the emphasis on the law within the Old Testament.