Saint Turibius de Mongrovejo

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St Toribio de Mogrovejo.jpg
Saint Turibius de Mongrovejo is little known in these parts but he's one saint that ought not to be missed. He's the first recognized saint of the Americas. He served as the Archishop of Lima for 26 years having been born in Spain. Turibius was a professor of Law at the University of Salamanca.

He was a saint who gave saints sacraments: history tells us that he the sacrament of Confirmation to Saint Rose of Lima and likely to Saint Martin de Porres.

His care for the poor and those on the margins is well known. He wanted to curb clergy misconduct, civil corruption, and social malaise. He advocated for those enslaved.

The hymn below best describes the saint.

We keep as our pattern the teaching here spoken:
In faith and in love of Christ Jesus, the Son.
For we are entrusted to guard something precious,
And only by the Spirit can this work be done.

Toribio, bishop of Lima, was faithful;
As pastor, he was a good shepherd to all
The people God placed in his care, so he led them
By preaching the Word to both great and small.

His love for the poor and the needy is legend,
And so is his work for the people enslaved;
His preaching for justice was met with great hatred,
But firm was his faith in the Master who saved!

Give praise to the Father, who calls forth good shepherds;
Give praise to the Son, who has showed us the Way;
Give praise to the Spirit, who guides our Church's leaders!
To God, One-in-Three, we give thanks ev'ry day.

J. Michael Thompson
Copyright © 2010, WLP
Irregular; KREMSER

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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