Roll, who was the chief judge for the District of Arizona, was a Fourth Degree
member of the Knights of Columbus, and was a charter member of Deacon Raphael
Longpre Council 10441, and a member of Msgr. Hughes Assembly 2392, both in
Tucson. He had been a member of the Knights of Columbus for 24
years. Members of the Fourth Degree will provide an honor guard at his
funeral next week.
"The senseless carnage in Tucson is a terrible tragedy for
the victims, their families, the people of Arizona and people of good will
everywhere," Anderson said. "We feel a tremendous sense of loss at Judge
Roll's death, and for all, young and old, who lost their lives in this
attack. We pray for God's mercy on all who have been touched by this
"At a time like this, it is tempting to respond with anger, and for
some, to attempt to use the tragedy to stoke the fires of division. That
would only compound the tragedy," Anderson continued. "As the late
Senator Robert Kennedy said following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
'What we need in the United States is not division . . . not violence or lawlessness,
but love and wisdom and compassion toward one another.' Judge Roll, a
faithful Catholic who had just attended daily Mass before stopping to greet
Rep. Giffords at her community meeting, was a dedicated public servant who
understood this very well. Let us honor his life and service by embracing
those qualities of 'love and wisdom and compassion'."
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