Official delegations of prayer and fraternal exchange happen for the June feast of Saints Peter and Paul (in Rome) and for today's feast of Saint Andrew (in Constantinople). The protocol followed is that Patriarch Bartholomew I sends a message and a group to Rome in June and the Pope does the same on November 30 for today's feast. Often there's a series of meetings, discussions, academic exchanges, and a festive meal. Kurt Cardinal Koch and Bishop Brian Farrell, LC, (president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity) represented the Holy Father today.
The meeting was covered by Vatican Radio. Visit here.
The Catholic News Agency reports that the Pope is urging greater efforts to realize unity between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
The Pope's message to the Patriarch: Benedict XVI to Bartholomew I Nov 30 2010.pdf
I went to see the Pope while he was here in Spain. Will never forget that, it was magnificent. All the poeple around me were so calm and content. I wished the sermon never ended.