Today is dedicated to Divine Mercy, as recommended by Pope John Paul II based on the visions of Saint Faustina. As you might know in Memory and Identity by John Paul spoke of mercy as the limit of sin. Why not give yourself over to the work of divine mercy?
Divine Mercy Sunday is a day in which we recognize God's looking with pity on our nothingness. Saint Faustina told us of her certainty based on your vision of the Lord that there is a certain promise from the Lord connected with this festal observance: the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment of the person who receives Holy Communion in a state of grace (that is, the person who has made a good confession). Here God promises to be merciful in giving his divine justice. Jesus is eager to love us. It is a promise of a restoration of one's friendship with God.
I highly recommend you spend some time in prayer, if possible, at 3 pm, using the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
These graces of mercy are not limited today alone. You can receive them anytime you want ... if you are open to receiving them.
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