How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings; announcing peace, bearing good news, and telling of salvation (antiphon from Is 52:7)
Holy Father, You exalted blessed Benedict of Urbino for his ardent love for the cross and the ministry of the Word, grant that we may follow his example, by living in this world in faith, justice and peace.
Blessed Benedict of Urbino (1560-1625) was born into a family of privilege who received a fine education in law prior to professing vows as a Capuchin Franciscan in 1584. His preaching and teaching effective for the salvation of souls, he walked with Saint Lawrence of Brindisi in preaching the gospel. His conversion to live the gifts of religious profession and priesthood happened when he called to a poor pregnant woman's house to give the sacrament of the sick who was at death's door. Upon realizing that no was called due to the lack of funds --that is, no good medical care for a pregnant woman is not new news-- he stayed with the woman, baptizing the child until their death. His helplessness stirred his emotions which propelled him to be of greater help to women, especially the poor. Pope Pius IX beatified Benedict of Urbino on February 10, 1867.
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