Simon, Called Peter: In the Company of a Man in Search of God

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Ignatius Press recently published a new book on Saint Peter called, Simon, Called Peter: In the Company of a Man in Search of God by a Cistercian Abbot with roots in Communion and Liberation, Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori, O.Cist.

Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori, O.Cist. writes of his book: "At every stage of my life as a man, a Christian, a monk, an abbot, I have found Saint Peter to be a companion to walk ahead of me... Peter is the Gospel saint who is more 'us' than any other, closer to our own humanity, yet so close to Christ. Peter is the one we can always follow."

What others have said

You are carried into the events narrated here... and you see them with your own eyes and heart, more than if you had been there.

from the Foreword by Cardinal Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Venice

Dom Lepori's account of Peter reminds us of just how often this first of the Apostles appears in the Gospels. When we see Peter spelled out in his encounters with Christ, we realize that this 'Rock' is being formed, but also that he was someone who could be formed. It is not without interest that the Church is founded on Peter, a solid man, yet also a sinner. With Lepori's guidance, we realize that Peter's life is a portrait of how God deals with men. We cannot but be moved by this Peter, a man like unto us, sin included, but a brave man who acknowledges, who learns, who, in the end, is 'the Rock' that he was called to be from the first time Christ saw him.

James V. Schall, SJ, Author, The Order of Things

About the author

Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori, O. Cist., is the abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of Hauterive outside of Fribourg, Switzerland. He received his licentiate in philosophy and theology from the Catholic University of Fribourg and as a layman was an active member of Communion and Liberation. In 1984, he entered the Abbey of Hauterive and ten years later was elected abbot. Written originally in Italian, Simon Called Peter has been translated into both French and German. Other works by Lepori include L'amato presente.

An interview with Dom Mauro-Giuseppe at the Rimini Meeting.

A brief essay by Dom Mauro called "The Re-Creation Brought about by Christ," published in Traces.

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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