In his capacity
as Father Prior of Sant'Anselmo, Dom Elias recently (February 17, 2010) welcomed Pope Benedict XVI to Sant'Anselmo
on the Aventine Hill. The Pope's visit to Sant'Anselmo is an annual event to begin the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday with a procession from the Abbey Church to
the Church of Santa Sabina, the headquarters of the Order of Friars Preachers
(the Dominicans) where the Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated.
The Holy Father was greeted by Abbot Primate Notker Wolf (also German) and
Dom Elias, who escorted him into the basilica where he prayed before the Blessed
Sacrament. There the Pope stopped for a brief prayer, before beginning Mass at
the chair. Dom Elias said, "This is a unique liturgy in that the Pope
intones a penitential litany and the monks, visiting bishops and cardinals
process from Sant'Anselmo to Santa Sabina for the rest of the Mass." The
pope vests for Mass at Santa Sabina.
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