Yesterday I posted a brief note on the good work of CRUDEM and encouraging all of us to pray and to consider making a financial gift to help the relief efforts. It seems as though prayer is working and needs are being met. In my email inbox the following note was received and I thought it was a good illustration of the what is being done to aid the Haitian people in this incredible time of need. The author of this post is the president of the hospital foundation, CRUDEM, and a member of the Order of Malta.

Today thanks to the efforts of many people and the generosity of an anonymous donor, 8 of our seriously ill children ranging in age from 3 to 13 were allowed by the Haitian authorities and UN to leave Haiti for treatment. A private jet from Western Massachusetts landed in Cap Haitian this morning filled with nurses and doctors from Baystate Medical Center and left with 8 children from Hopital Sacre Coeur accompanied by 2 physicians and 2 nurses.
The jet landed 4 hours later at Bradley Airport [Hartford, CT] where there were 6 ambulances waiting. Since it was snowing and in the 20's the jet pulled into a hanger so the children could be protected. They were carefully carried to stretchers covered in blankets and given stuffed animals to accompany them on their trip to Shriners hospital (5 with serious orthopedic problems), a Boston burn unit (2 with serious burns), Baystate Pediatric intensive care unit (a girl with a fractured pelvis and other fractures).
Our census is around 400 patients despite discharges such as the above miracle. We are still receiving transfer patients from the USS comfort. Our volunteers continue to work 16 to 20 hour days and are an inspiration to watch. My son who just returned was in awe of the Professors of Internal medicine, surgery and Ophthalmology who were changing bandages and caring for patients in the temporary hospital because that was where the need was. Egos and status are put aside and the only focus is on how best to care for our patients. The true volunteer spirit of being willing to do whatever is needed is evident in all of our teams.
Typically we have about 170 volunteers come to
Hôpital Sacré Coeur each year. Since the earthquake we have had over 250 and will continue to have at least 50 a week for the next 2 months. The list of people wanting to volunteer grows each day. This is proof for all of us that the majority of people are caring and want to help their fellow man. We need to remember this as we read and hear the negative in the media.
Thanks to private donations by individuals, companies and nonprofits such as Americares and Project Hope, we are still receiving the supplies we need to keep the hospital running. Our food shortage has ended thanks to the generosity of Malteser International who is financing the shipment of truckloads of food from the Dominican Republic. God has blessed us in this time of tragedy with the many people who make the Miracles at
Hôpital Sacré Coeur happen.
Venerable Servant of God Pierre Toussaint, pray for us.
Blessed Gerard, pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
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