One the subtle joys in life that I relish is the fact that some people respond to the Lord's call to follow and serve Lord and His Church. Among the various ways to respond to the Lord is the monastic way of life under the Rule of Saint Benedict, living side-by-side others doing the same. Some may follow the monastic way as a Benedictine monk (nun) or perhaps as Cistercian monk (nun); AND just for the record, Cistercians are an 11th century reform of Benedictine monasticism. In this country there are few monasteries of Cistercian monks (only 4) but there are 12 houses of the reform of the reform called
Cistercians of the Strict Observance (AKA Trappists).
Just the other day Brother Stephen from the
Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank (Sparta, WI) professed his temporary vows for a period of three years. He came into full communion with the Catholic Church, left a good job and put himself under obedience (friendship as Luigi Giussani would say) unto his salvation. Many God give him the grace of perseverance.
See what I am talking about by going to Brother Stephen's blog,
Sub Tuum.
The monks of Our Lady of Spring support themselves by their industry,
Laser Monks. Perhaps you can patronize their good work! I have bought things from them and so has my mom.
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