Father Charles Dumont, Cistercian monk, priest, poet: RIP

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On the solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, a few hours after the Midnight Mass (in which he participated from his room), Father Charles Dumont was born into eternal life. Born in Ixelles (Brussels) on 26 September 1918, he entered Scourmont Abbey on 11 June 1941, he professed solemn vows on 16 July 1946, and was ordained priest on 15 May 1950. He served several times as chaplain at the abbey of Notre Dame de la Paix (Chimay), as well as at Soleilmont. For several years he assisted at Caldey and he filled the office of Novice Master at Scourmont from 1993 to 1996.

He introduced many people, especially within the Order, to the knowledge and the love of the Cistercian Fathers, in particular St Bernard. He was the editor of Collectanea Cistercienia, later Cisterciensia (1963-71) and assisted in the editing of Cistercian Studies Quarterly. Two of his recent works are Pathways to Peace: Cistercian Wisdom According to St. Bernard and Praying the Word of God. Cistercian Sister Elizabeth Connor wrote a book on Father Charles entitled, Charles Dumont Monk-Poet: A Spiritual Biography. His funeral took place at Scourmont on 28 December. May God grant Father Charles eternal light, peace and happiness.


I rejoice for Le Pere Dumont!!! He was a dear friend and mentor of my mother, Anne Farre. She went Home in 2005, and I know she greets him with great joy!
I remember he came to visit us when I was young in our Maryland home, and my mother drove him to Holy Cross Abbey, Berryville, VA.. My mother would sometimes travel to see him in Scourmont. When my mother lived a small hermitage in her later years she introduced me to Le Pere Dumont's poetry and his work, translated by Sister Elizabeth O'Connor. She and my mother had been friends for years and I believe had traveled once together to Scourmont to Visit Le Pere Dumont. When my mother died, he kindly wrote to me to ask if there was anything he could do to help me. I think he must have known that my mother was a huge influence on my spiritual life.
At my mother's memorial Mass at Holy Cross Abbey, we read one of Le Pere Dumont's poems. Here it is, only now, in both their honor's, from our grateful hearts.

Si peu suffit

Si peu de chose,
Rien qu'un desir
Un souvenir.

Si peu que rien
M'ement. Mystere
De ce qui vient:
Cet ephemere!..

Si peu suffit
A l'esperance
A ce defi
D'ame en partance.

4 novembre 2003

Thank you for allowing me to share this.. I am with both of them in my heart- in wonder and awe at the Joy they now share.

I rejoice for Le Pere Dumont!!! He was a dear friend and mentor of my mother, Anne Farre. She went Home in 2005, and I know she greets him with great joy!
I remember he came to visit us when I was young in our Maryland home, and my mother drove him to Holy Cross Abbey, Berryville, VA.. My mother would sometimes travel to see him in Scourmont. When my mother lived a small hermitage in her later years she introduced me to Le Pere Dumont's poetry and his work, translated by Sister Elizabeth O'Connor. She and my mother had been friends for years and I believe had traveled once together to Scourmont to Visit Le Pere Dumont. When my mother died, he kindly wrote to me to ask if there was anything he could do to help me. I think he must have known that my mother was a huge influence on my spiritual life.
At my mother's memorial Mass at Holy Cross Abbey, we read one of Le Pere Dumont's poems. Here it is, only now, in both their honor's, from our grateful hearts.

Si peu suffit

Si peu de chose,
Rien qu'un desir
Un souvenir.

Si peu que rien
M'ement. Mystere
De ce qui vient:
Cet ephemere!..

Si peu suffit
A l'esperance
A ce defi
D'ame en partance.

4 novembre 2003

Thank you for allowing me to share this.. I am with both of them in my heart- in wonder and awe at the Joy they now share.

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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