An angel in the flesh, the foundation of the prophets, and the second forerunner of Christ, the glorious Elijah from on high sent grace to Elisha, to cure sicknesses & cleanse lepers. He likewise overflows with healing for those who honor him.
(Troparion of the feast, Tone 4)

Let all Christ's Church assemble here
And, gathered in His holy Name,
Keep solemn, joyful festival
To sing of great Elijah's fame.
Of all the prophets who foretold
God's hidden plan of saving grace,
He is the chief: to him we give,
The Tishbite, now the choicest place.
He called the folk of Israel
Back to their covenant with God;
Through kingly wrath and violence
God's narrow way of truth he trod.
When earthly tasks for him were done,
You called him in a special way:
A fiery chariot came for him,
Foretelling Christ's ascension day.
For all the graces You have giv'n
Through what Elijah did for You,
Your Church on earth gives endless praise,
O Father, Son, and Spirit true.
L.M. (88.88)
James Michael Thompson (2009)
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