Yesterday morning [June 30] there was help at the Congregation
for Causes of Saints the second meeting of the theological consultors tasked to
examine the "Positio," that is the documents and testimonies of the
cause for beatification of John Paul II. In the first meeting, about
which Il Giornale has spoken, was held on 13 May. But it had an
intermediate (or interlocutory... "interlocutorio") outcome, because of
critical point raised not about the personal sanctity of Pope Wojtyla but about
the manner in which the work was advanced and the lack of documentation.
The postulator of the cause, Msgr. Slawomir Oder, responded in writing to the
objections and yesterday there was held the second and final meeting of the
theologians, which had given a favorable majority opinion. Two of them
maintained the initial "suspended judgment" ("sospensivo")
because they though that the proofs and documents ought to have been integrated
("il quadro probatorio e documentale debba essere integrato"). This is the article that was published in today's Il Giornale. Now the
"Positio" goes to the cardinal and bishop members of the
Congregation, who before the end of the year will make a decision about the
heroic virtue of Pope Wojtyla. Then it will fall to Pope Benedict to
promulgate the decree which will bring his predecessor to beatification.
Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]
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