Legion of Christ: pray for guidance

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I would like to invite everyone to enter into a period of intense time of prayer for the Church in the coming days. Use your discretion as to length but do some form of prayer the good of the Church. The Holy See has asked five bishops to investigate the life of the members of the Legion of Christ beginning on July 15th. May I recommend the prayers to the Holy Spirit is needed as well as the Memorare for this intention.

B16 & LC Superior General.jpg

The Legion of Christ is not everyone's "cup of tea" but they certainly are an influence in many sectors of ecclesial life. The Legion has challenged the "categories" of many but they have done some good for the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So, while I am not a supporter of the LC, I am not looking for anything but an honest review and coherent application of mercy. What affects them ought to affect all of us since we are bonded together in Baptism making us all brothers and sisters. Am I my brother's keeper? Yes, and we ought to show prayerful solicitude with the Holy See and the bishops doing the investigating. Many peoples' lives are in significant turmoil over the recent revelations of misconduct of Father Marcial Macial (the founder) and other distressful matters of internal governance and the misuse of spiritual authority.

Today Sandro Magister published an interview with a prominent former Legionary priest, Father Thomas Berg. Consider reading it.

Here in the greater Connecticut and New York area the Legion operates a novitiate, a juniorate, an institute of higher studies plus a variety of other initiatives, including but not limited to the National Catholic Register and recent acquisition of Southern Catholic University. In the US the press reports that there are 24 Legion of Christ houses with about 130 priests and more than 250 seminarians. It would be inappropriate to suggest what the Pope would or should do for the good of the Church and the Legionary congregation. Whatever it is that the members are asked to do by the Church, I predict it will be some tough medicine and I ask that all of us stand on the side of the angels. This is an opportunity for excessive criticism and unflattering talk. It is time for prayer and conversion of life.


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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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