As the Year of Saint Paul comes to an end, let us pray this prayer for Saint Paul's intercession before the Divine Majesty.

Glorious Saint Paul, most zealous Apostle, Martyr for the love of Christ, give us a deep faith, a steadfast hope, and a burning love for our Lord so that we can proclaim with you, "It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me." Help us become apostles serving the Church with a pure heart witnessing to her truth and beauty in the midst of the darkness of our days. With you we praise God our Father, "To him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen!"
Some websites for the Year of Saint Paul in case you've missed them:
The Year of Saint Paul was inaugurated by Pope Benedict XVI at the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Paul outside the Walls (Rome) on June 28, 2008 and will conclude on June 29, 2009, the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Many bishops around the world have set up a jubilee Church where the faithful can make a pilgrimage receiving an indulgence of grace when going to confession, receiving Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Pope.
In the New England area New Haven's St Mary's Church (Archdiocese of Hartford), Greenwich's St Paul's Church (Diocese of Bridgeport), Worcester's St Paul Cathedral (Diocese of Worcester), and NYC's St Paul's Church (New York Archdiocese, W. 60th Str).
The above prayer is the Church's official jubilee prayer.
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