Today 2 novices and a junior with the novice master from Mepkin Abbey (the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance), a novice from the South-Central Mother House of the Religious Sisters of Mercy and the 2 novices from Belmont Abbey came together for friendship and study. The symposia has been devoted to the study of the 1983 Code of Canon Law as it pertains to religious life. The course is taught by Religious Sister of Mercy Sister Jean Margaret. The retired bishop of Charlotte, Bishop William Curlin, 81, gave a talk on the inter-relation of Canon Law, religious and bishops. His Excellency was the bishop of this diocese from 1994-2002; previously he was an auxiliary bishop of Washington, DC. Experience tells us that it's important that some study of the Church's Law happens during formation (and perhaps even later in life) so that one knows the boundaries of what is and is not possible for people in religious life.
All were here this afternoon and evening for a visit to the campus, dinner and Vespers. This is the first time this type of gathering has happened and it's due to the hard work of Sister Jean Margaret persuading the abbots of Belmont and Mepkin this was fitting for monks to do.

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