My soul, give thanks to the Lord, all my being, bless his holy name (Rom 5:5; Ps 102:1).
O God, who gave the blessed Abbot Aelred the grace of being all things to all men, grant that, following his example, we may so spend ourselves in the service of one another, as to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The New Advent bio
Saint Aelred authored several influential books on spirituality, among them The Mirror of Charity and Spiritual Friendship. He also wrote seven works of history, addressing two of them to King Henry II of England advising him how to be a good king. The twentieth century has seen a greater interest in Saint Aelred as a spiritual writer than in former times when he was known to be a historian.
This year we honor the 900th anniversary of Saint Aelred's birth, though some the anniversary in AD 2010.
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