The Word of God in the Life and the Mission of the Church
"The Word of God", said the Pope, "will thus enter peoples homes to accompany the lives
of families and individuals; a seed that, if welcomed, will not fail to bring abundant fruit".
"Only the Word of God can change the depths of man's heart, and so it is important that with it both individual believers and the community enter into an ever-growing intimacy. The Synodal Assembly will direct its attention to this truth which is fundamental to the life and the mission of the Church. Nourishing herself with the Word of God is for her the first and fundamental responsibility". (Pope Benedict XVI, Homily opening the Synod Bishops on the Word of God, 5 October 2008)
A briefing on the Synod
Introducing the Word of God through dramatic gestures
To enlighten your path with the Word of God, a RAI initiative:
The Italian news agency RAI, will begin the "Bible day and night" initiative, which consists in the complete and uninterrupted reading of the Bible over seven days and nights in the Roman basilica of Sant Croce in Gerusalemme. Around 1,200 readers from 50 countries will participate in the event. Benedict XVI himself will inaugurate the event by reading the first chapter of Genesis.
About the Mass at the Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls
The National Catholic Register's coverage of the Synod.
John Allen's press coverage of the Synod.
Pope Benedict's Homily at the Mass for the opening of the Synod of Bishops
A Bible Comeback: An Interview With Cardinal Albert Vanhoye: part 1 and part 2
A Prayer for the 12th Synod of Bishops
Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father has commanded us to listen as his beloved Son, shed your light upon your Church, so that she might have nothing more holy than to listen to your voice and follow you. You are the Supreme Shepherd and Ruler of Souls. Look then upon the Pastors of your Church gathered in these days with the Successor of St. Peter in synod assembly. We implore you to sanctify them in truth and confirm them in faith and love.
Lord Jesus Christ, send forth your Spirit of love and truth on the bishops in synod and on all who assist them in fulfilling their task. Make them more faithful to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches; stir their souls and teach them truth by that same Holy Spirit. Through their work, may the faithful of their Churches be purified and strengthened in spirit, so that they might greater follow the Gospel through which you accomplished salvation and they might make of themselves a living offering to the heavenly Father.
May Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God and Mother of the Church, assist the Bishops in these days, as she assisted the Apostles in the Upper Room, and intercede with motherly affection to foster brotherly communion among them, to allow them to rejoice in prosperity and peace in the calmness of these days, and, in reading the signs of the times, to celebrate the majesty of the merciful God, the Lord of History, to the praise and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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