WARSAW, Poland (CNS) -- Chinese Catholic priests are studying at a Benedictine
monastery in Germany in what at least one expert on the Chinese church hopes will lead to Chinese contemplative orders. "They're sampling our spirituality and community life ... and will later be returning to their homes in different Chinese provinces in May," said Martin Wind, press officer at St. Ottilien monastery near Munich, Germany. "There's no (current) Christian tradition of monasticism in China, so we wanted to show them what it's like to live in a monastery. Although it isn't our aim, we would be glad if they decided to found a monastic community when they go back." The eight priests have been undergoing "practical training" at St. Ottilien since September 2007, Wind told Catholic News Service in a telephone interview, noting that the visit was "sensitive" and the priests would not be speaking to the media directly. "They haven't talked openly about the possibility of being allowed to set up monastic structures in China, but they wouldn't have come if there was no interest in the monastic life there," said Wind.
Learning Benedictine monasticism: Chinese Priests train
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