We have been brought to life through Christ. The apostle makes this known in [the] passage when he says: "He has brought us to life together with Christ." The apostle says this because God brings is to life in Christ, with Christ, through Christ, and according to Christ.
In the first place, God has brought us to life in Christ, because he has shared our mortality of life in his person, according to that passage in John: "As the Father has life in himself, even so he has given to the Son as life in himself" (5:26). Therefore, if the Son has life in himself, while he has taken to himself our mortality, he has joined us to the true and immortal life, and through this he has brought us to life in himself.
He has brought us to life with Christ, while Christ himself, who was life, lived among mortal men... So while he was seen on earth and lived among men (Bar 3:28), God brought us to life with Christ, when he made us live with him.
He also brought us to life through Christ, when he snatched us from death through his death, according to that passage of the First Epistle of Peter: "Christ also died once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us back to God. Put to death indeed in the flesh, he was brought to life in the spirit" (3:18). When Christ laid down his life for us, God brought the dead human race to life through him.
Finally, he brought us to life according to Christ when he guided us through the path of life according to his example, according to that passage of the psalmist: "You have known to me the paths of life when he gave us faith, hope, charity, and the gifts of grace. To these he added the commands according to which Christ himself walked and in which the path of life consists. It is according to these that Christ has taught us to walk. God has brought us to life according to Christ because he guides his imitators to life.
Saint Bonaventure (+1274)
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