Theology: December 2009 Archives

Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, RIP

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Edward Schillebeeckx, OP.jpg

Friar Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, died on December 23, 2009. He was 96. May he rest in peace.

In my sacraments class this past semester I had to re-read Schillebeeckx's Christ, The Sacrament of the Encounter with God, which I very much enjoyed the second time. His thinking was clear and provocative and orthodox. The same level of orthodoxy can't be said of all his later work, I dare say, but it was always provocative. Apparently followers of Friar Edward's work can expect another work on sacramental theology.
And so, we pray for God's mercy, and His blessed light, happiness and peace for Friar Edward.
Here's the Wiki article on Friar Edward and the catalog of his is found here.
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When the average Catholic thinks of theological disputation they quickly surmise that they can be tedious, if not irrelevant. Connections are not made for the average Catholic between relevance of a theological truth or an idea to the spiritual life and the teaching of Truth and one's salvation. Believe it or not, theology means something. Admittedly, I don't blame people's reluctance to enter into the fray of the issues because they are complicated, convoluted and cause considerable consternation between the interlocutors. But what else would you expect from intelligent people? Theological matters are incredibly important for the life of the Church particularly in the realm of protecting the deposit of faith from charlatans. I, for one, love the controversy that's stirred up because it gets people talking and thinking about the issues posited by Catholic theologians.

Capuchin Father Thomas G. Weinandy (Dir. of Doctrine Committee, USCCB) thinks Dr. Terrence W. Tilley (Fordham Univ. theologian & chair of the Dept of Theology) is on the outer limits of what theological reflection and research legitimately allows for. Tilley believes he and others are recovering an older theological approach (method).

I for one think Weinandy has the stronger argument.

Father Weinandy's article is presented here Weinandy on Tilley's theological argument.pdf and Dr. Tilley's address is found here Tilley CTSA address 2009.pdf.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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