Teaching & Living the Faith: January 2012 Archives

New Year greetings are exchanged between the Holy Father and the authorities of the City of Rome, the Region of Lazio, and the Province of Rome. On one level this meeting is a formality, because it is. But there is a deeper issue at hand: collaborate with others to build up the Kingdom even when your partner is perhaps secular. As Saint John Bosco did, as well as countless other good educators, if you want to influence others, then get to know the other person. Rome's ecclesial leaders aren't always on the same page as the civil leaders, but absenting oneself from the other is no way to advance the good life. And the Pope realizes this fact. 

He said on January 12, 

"The challenges we are currently facing are numerous and complex, and can be overcome only if we reinforce our awareness that the destiny of each of us is linked to that of everyone else. For this reason ... acceptance, solidarity and legality are fundamental values. The present crisis can, then, be an opportunity for the entire community to verify whether the values upon which social life is founded have generated a society that is just, fair and united, or whether it is necessary to undertake a profound rethink in order to rediscover values which ... not only favor economic recovery, but which are also attentive to promoting the integral good of human beings."
The other day the Pope's Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone SDB celebrated Mass for the Vatican's jurists where he noted "with the beginning of a new judicial year ... we are again invited to reflect upon the relationship between divine and human justice, so that our consciences may be illuminated and our actions may, as far as possible, correspond to the divine will and its plan of love for each individual and for the community of man." Moreover, Bertone picked up a current theme of Benedict's these days, that is, that of justice, in which he called attention to the specific vocation of the Church to be "a sign and instrument of God's love [charity], and of His justice which is always an expression of His merciful love."

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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