Sports: August 2012 Archives

Until I read this story in the National Catholic Register (NCR) I didn't know who Kellen Clemens was. Those who know me know that I am not a follower of football, let alone any other sport for that matter. I am not anti-sport, I am just not a sports-type-of-person. But, I fact I fully advocate an integration of faith and morals in the world of sports; something that many other sports-people could benefit from. What caught my eye in the NCR were the words "Catholic" and "St Louis Rams." Interest piqued. I am glad it did. Until now one would think that Tim Teabow was the only man in American football that had a faith life. As it turns out, Kellen Clemans also believes in God, is a Catholic and a family man. Let's pray that these virtues remain solid for a very long time. The NCR story is not only a good human interest piece but it emboldens the rest of us (I hope).

Read Trent Beattie's article "St. Louis Rams' Quarterback Is 'Catholic by Blood'." But one section is worth quoting here (emphasis mine).

Did you grow up in a devout family?

Kellen Clemens.jpeg
I'm a cradle Catholic, with four sisters, and the faith was always an integral part of our lives. I went to confession, received holy Communion and was confirmed. We were taught the difference between right and wrong and enjoyed the stability that brings. We also benefited from being so close to nature on our family's cattle ranch. That encourages you to be humble and also to respect and work with God's creation.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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