Pope Benedict XVI: April 2013 Archives

Sua Santità Benedetto XVI, Papa emerito di Roma.jpg
Today is the 8th anniversary of election of His Holiness Benedict XVI, pope emeritus of Rome. His pontificate came to an end on 28 February 2013. A blessed day to Benedict!

Rome Reports marks the anniversary.

Benedict XVI, pope emer.jpg
May the Lord bestow His abundant blessings on Benedict XVI, Bishop of Rome emeritus on his 86th birthday.

A Rome Reports review can be viewed here.

Pope Francis prayed for Pope Benedict and called him to wish him well.
According to Edward Pentin, the "Vatican denies Benedict XVI has serious illness."

Perhaps Borrero was opportunistic in her reporting. And, many wanted to get a scoop on this story by resorting to unsubstantiated news. Rumors may be untrue, but at 86, how long do you really think the pope emeritus has to live, with or without serious illness?

One would think the press officer for the Holy See, Jesuit Father Lombardi, would just tell the world what constitutes the effects of old age and not dodge any possible issue there may be. The Vatican only officially claimed that John Paul had Parkinson's following his death. Is the same going to be true with Benedict? Why do we have to be so circumspect with Benedict's health. Reality never is divisive nor is it to be feared. Privacy aside --he lost privacy the day he was ordained a deacon in 1950-- he is the former spiritual father of the Catholic Church, and we ought to walk with Benedict in a prayerful way.

The UK blogger on religion and culture Damian Thompson posted a piece today that potentially will get people excited: Pope Benedict XVI's health is in the decline as he's suffering from something very severe. Thompson is citing Paloma Gómez Borrero of El Mundo who wrote that Benedict's health is noticeably diminished.

Benedict is 86 on the 16th. Rumors have swished around saying that the emeritus pope has a pacemaker, is going blind in one eye and deaf in one ear. Health concerns were piqued when he abdicated on 11 February with his own words.

Nothing's been said by the Holy See about the health of Benedict. Nevertheless, we ought to be united with him in prayer begging the Holy Spirit for the graces needed to stand at the foot of the cross.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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