Luigi Giussani: February 2011 Archives
![The Religious Sense.jpg]( Religious Sense-thumb-250x400-8482.jpg)
In The Religious Sense, Monsignor Giussani explores man's search for meaning in the given-ness of life. He demonstrates that reason is known in understanding and recognition of truth, goodness and beauty. Regardless of faith tradition, all people are in search for these elements and we can know the meaning of truth, goodness and beauty by the criteria of the heart, that is, discovery of these element is found in the person himself by an openness to existence which has the capacity to affirm reality as it is --from experience-- (reason) and not from what the lack of self-aware world says reason is, that is, from outside factors.
Several essays open up Giussani's work:
Father Julián Carrón's Milan presentation of "The Religious Sense, Verification of the Faith", a version of which was given at the 2011 NY Encounter: The Religious Sense, Verification of the Faith.pdf
Father Luigi Giussani's "The Religious Sense and Faith": The Religious Sense and Faith.pdf
John Waters' "The Religious Sense and myself"