In the midst of worldly strife,
Came Ignatius called Loyola,
Building up your Church's life.
That the gospel of the Savior,
With its news of endless grace
Might be brought by his companions
Unto ev'ry land and race.
Once a warrior for earth's kingdoms,
Gravely wounded, he became
Soldier for the King of heaven,
Limping forth in Jesus' name.
Once in Paris, he found others
Who alike heard Jesus' call;
Soldiers, poor and chaste, obedient,
There they gave to Christ their all.
In his living and his dying,
He has shown to ev'ryone
What it means to lose one's own self,
How to live for Christ the Son.
May his love, which scorned all travail,
Teach us how to follow you;
May our love, in his example,
Be to Christ forever true.
To the Father, life's own author,
To the Son, who sets us free,
To the Spirit, voice of prophets,
Three-In-One, all praises be!
From the mouth of Saint Ignatius
Comes a song of matchless praise;
All the Church, on earth, in heaven,
Joins, as now this hymn we raise.
J. Michael Thompson
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