Lord our God, You invite us always to give our love, and You delight in a cheerful giver. Grant that we may follow the example of Saint John, and, with a young and eager spirit, seek You in all things and please You in all we do.
Jesuit saints & blesseds: November 2009 Archives

God our Father, You gave Your servant Michael Augustine the grace to seek ardently Your greater glory and the salvation of Your people. Grant that, through his intercession and following his example, we may serve You and glorify You by performing our daily duties with fidelity and joy and effectively helping our neighbor.

O God, You made Your priest Blessed Rupert a steadfast confessor of the faith and a servant of the poor. Through his intercession, raise up in Your Church fearless heralds of the Gospel and give us all a heart open to the needs of others.
More on the life of Blessed Rupert
About the author

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This page is a archive of entries in the Jesuit saints & blesseds category from November 2009.
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Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2009 is the next archive.
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