There's a film worth watching and spending time thinking about. I believe that we need to reflect upon the great themes of humanity: peace, forgiveness, love, selfishness, self-giving, regret, power, sin, and grace. Either we confront and reject nihilism and thrive, or we capitulate to it and die. We have this opportunity in Roland Joffe's newest film, "There Be Dragons."
Comparison's are not always helpful. The old saying is that comparisons are odious. For many reviewers the only to make sense of "There Be Dragons" is to contrast it with "The Da Vinci Code," and I happen to see no point in doing so. The two films are apples and oranges, if you will. Be that as it may, "There Be Dragons" is a movie on the early life of a Spanish saint, Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer (1902-75) which mixes fact with some fiction. The historical context of the film is the Spanish Civil War with all its bloody violence, incredible strident anti-clericalism and whole scale diminishment of the human person.
Continue reading 'There Be Dragons' -- Even Saints Have A Past.