The Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, a community founded in 2007 Bishop Rey is doing the organizing of the conference.
In the words of Bishop Rey: "The first condition for the new evangelization is adoration." No truer words have been spoken. And as we know so well, Eucharistic Adoration is key in the spiritual life and human flourishing and it figures prominently in the pastoral plan of Pope Benedict XVI.
Bishop Dominique Rey is renown for his pastoral directness and knowing Christ through sacred Scripture and the sacred Liturgy. His background includes earning a doctorate in economics and he worked for the Ministry of Finance of France. He is a priest of the Emmanuel Community and received episcopal ordination in 2000. Since becoming bishop, he's known to be supportive of the good work of new communities, the lay movements and religious orders. His agenda is the Church's: the lex orandi, lex credendi tradition. He's been an exponent of the new evangelization brought on the world stage by Pope John Paul II and continued by Pope Benedict XVI.
For more information: contact@adoratio2011.com
Media contact: Father Florian Racine: fr@adoperp.com
The press release with a list of the speakers is found here: Eucharistic congress 2011, Rome.pdf