Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: August 2009 Archives

On August 3rd, I mentioned here in this blog that after 40 years the eucharistic of perpetual adoration is returning to the Archdiocese of Boston. Cardinal O'Malley is opening the endeavor with a Mass on August 15. Visit St Clement's Shrine.

Read Boston Globe's Michael Paulson's article on the renewed interest in perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It's picking up steam in Boston, why not in other dioceses?

There are a few places in the Bridgeport Diocese that have regular adoration: one is 24/7 (St Marguerite Bourgeois Church) and the rest have near perpetual adoration; it seems to me that we need more 24/7 adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Seems to be nowhere in the Diocese of Norwich, CT. In the Archdiocese of Hartford I can think of the Dominican nuns in North Guilford, CT, having perpetual adoration but their chapel is not open to the public for the full 24 hours.

While I know adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a awesome gesture of prayer, beauty, sacrifice and communion, is it wanted or needed by the people of God (& clergy)? I get the sense that it's not based on these three dioceses but I think I'd be wrong to make this conclusion. Paulson's article brings to light that people are truly changed after spending time with the Lord; and I dare say it's also vice versa --that the Lord wants to spend time with us. So why can't more dioceses restore a sensible practice of eucharistic adoration 24/7?

After a 40-year absence, the practice of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has returned to the Archdiocese of Boston. This is another positive response to Pope Benedict's calling for a Year of the Priest and a desire to intimately know the Lord.

In Ecclesia de Eucharistia, Pope John Paul told us that:

It is pleasant to spend time with him [Christ], to lie close to his breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn 13:25) and to feel the infinite love present in his heart. If in our time Christians must be distinguished above all by the "art of prayer", how can we not feel a renewed need to spend time in spiritual converse, in silent adoration, in heartfelt love before Christ present in the Most Holy Sacrament? How often, dear brother and sisters, have I experienced this, and drawn from it strength, consolation and support!  This practice, repeatedly praised and recommended by the Magisterium, is supported by the example of many saints. Particularly outstanding in this regard was Saint Alphonsus Liguori, who wrote: "Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us". The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace. A Christian community desirous of contemplating the face of Christ in the spirit which I proposed in the Apostolic Letters Novo Millennio Ineunte and Rosarium Virginis Mariae cannot fail also to develop this aspect of Eucharistic worship, which prolongs and increases the fruits of our communion in the body and blood of the Lord.

In Mane Nobiscum Domine we read: "Our faith in the God who took flesh in order to become our companion along the way needs to be everywhere proclaimed, especially in our streets and homes, as an expression of our grateful love and as an inexhaustible source of blessings." So the liturgical practice of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament deepens the heart's desire "to cultivate a lively awareness of Christ's real presence" (18).

Get the point? Adoration of the Eucharistic face of the Lord awakens in us something new, something beautiful.

Officially Boston's Eucharistic adoration begins with the Sacrifice of the Mass on August 15 celebrated by Cardinal Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap.

Visit website for the Saint Clement Shrine

"O taste and see the goodness of the Lord." (Psalm 34)

Saint Peter Julian Eymard

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St Peter Julian Eymard.jpg
Lord God, You kept Saint Peter faithful to Christ's pattern of poverty and humility. May his prayers help us to live in fidelity to our calling and bring us to the perfection You have shown us in Your Son.

A short biography of Saint Peter Julian, the founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

A list of resources on The Apostle of the Blessed Sacrament

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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