New NFP newsletter … Naturally

Virginia Corbett, the coordinator of the programming for Natural Family Planning for the Archdiocese of New York is now publishing a monthly newsletter, Naturally. The newsletter will concern itself with fertility, infertility, contraception, etc. To receive a copy of Naturally read the attached newsletter to get Virginia’s email.

The Family Life and Respect Life Office at the Archdiocese of New York does a terrific job.

On Sunday, December 30, 2012, there will be a Saint Gianna Mass at Saint Peter’s Church, Haverstraw, NY at 12:45 pm.
The Saint Gianna Mass is connected to the one held in NYC annually on May 16th at the Church of Saint Catherine of Siena (W. 68th Str).

Naturally may be read here: Naturally NFP Newsletter NY.pdf

Crowd turns out for St Gianna Mass

PAZ with TMD April 27 2011.jpegThe second annual Saint Gianna Mass was celebrated earlier this evening at The Church of Saint Catherine of Siena (411 E. 68th St., NYC) by the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Michael Dolan. The Mass was co-sponsored with the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of NY. About 600 people turned up for the Mass to ask for Saint Gianna’s intercession in the fertility issues. We tend to think it is easy to get pregnant, but for many couples having a biological child is quite difficult that creates much suffering.

The picture is of the Archbishop meeting the young servers and their guide prior to the Liturgy.

Archbishop Dolan to celebrate the St Gianna Mass at St Catherine of Siena Church NYC

TMDolan smile.jpgOn Wednesday, the 27th April, at the Church of St.
Catherine of Siena (411 E. 68th St.) Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan will offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the intention of couples struggling with infertility &
pregnancy-related difficulties. The evening will begin with Mass at 6:30 pm,
followed by comments by Mr. Robert White, President of the St. Gianna Society followed by a blessing
with the St. Gianna relics
by the Archbishop.

At 7:45 pm, there will be time
for personal veneration of St. Gianna relics – with a light reception following
Mass. Physicians, including Dr. Anne
, and other practitioners specializing in infertility will be
present in reception area to answer questions and offer support following Mass.
For more info, check out the flyer
St. Gianna Flyer 2011.pdf

The Gianna Mass for infertile couples TONIGHT in NYC

The monthly Mass for couples suffering from infertility and
recurrent miscarriage, followed by a support group for couples with
infertility or a talk about the NaProTECHNOLOGY approach to treating
infertility, will be held this evening at St. Catherine of Sienna Parish, 411 W. 68th St., New York.

6:00 pm           Confessions
6:30 pm           Mass
7:15 pm           Support Group OR NaProTECHNOLOGY Talk by Dr. Mielnik
All events are open to the public and free of charge.
All are welcome to attend this beautiful night of recollection
which is co-sponsored by The Dominican Friars Healthcare Ministry of NY and The Gianna Center for Women.
Dr. Mielnik will be available after the talk to answer questions about NaProTECHNOLOGY as well.

Monthly St Gianna Mass at St Catherine of Siena Church, New York: June 17

St Gianna Beretta Molla.jpg

On Thursday, June 17, there will be a St Gianna Mass celebrated for the intentions of couples dealing with infertility issues at St Catherine of Siena Church (411 East 68th Street, New York).

All are welcome!

The program for the evening is as follows:

6:00 pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions

pm: Litany and Prayers to Saint Gianna

6:35 pm: Mass

7:30 pm: Infertility
Support Group and talk by Dr. Anne Melnik on Napro – Technology

The celebrant of the Mass and devotions will be Dominican Father Bruno Shah.

The St Gianna Mass will be celebrated on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This Mass and program is a natural outgrowth of the spiritual activities held in May for the blessing and public inauguration of the Gianna healthcare ministry working infertility and women’s health.

Mark your calendar for the monthly St Gianna Mass:

July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18, December 16, 

The St Gianna Mass is host by the Dominican Friars of St Catherine of Siena Church & Priory in close collaboration with the Dominican Friars Healthcare Ministry of NY and the Gianna Center.

Praying with Saint Gianna

Last week there was an extraordinary Mass of Saint Gianna and a talk by the saint’s son at the Church and Priory of Saint Catherine of Siena (E. 68th St, NYC). I still find it amazing to say that a saint’s son is talking about his mother, a saint of the Church. Dominican Brother Ignatius Perkins wrote a reflection on what he experienced and gave some helpful links to a story in the Catholic New York and the video on Currents TV. Having been there myself –though serving the Mass– I am still in awe of the event because I think it truly was an encounter with Christ. Some many people came to meet Christ through the witness of Saint Gianna, the Mass and others. I wouldn’t be surprised if several miracles result from this event.

The Church of Saint Catherine of Siena was packed with people (SRO) with stunning music and fine preaching. The presence of the staff of the Dominican Friars Healthcare Ministries and the Gianna Center was aslo a beautiful thing. The faithful, indeed, wrote their intentions for Saint Gianna’s intercession and venerated relics of the saint.

Here’s Brother Ignatius’s review.

Here’s the video for the Gianna Mass

Gianna Healthcare Center blessed and dedicated

Thumbnail image for Dr Anne enthroning image of St Gianna.jpgYesterday morning the founders, benefactors and friends of The Gianna Healthcare Center for Women joined Archbishop Timothy Dolan in dedicating and blessing the Center at 15 East 40th Street. We were joined by Saint Gianna’s son, Pierluigi Molla.

The Archbishop prayed the prayers written by Archbishop Raymond Burke for the enshrinement of the picture and relic of Saint Gianna. One very beautiful prayer composed by Saint Gianna was prayed by all:
O Mary, into thy maternal hands I place, commend and abandon myself entirely, sure of obtaining what I request. I rely upon thee because thou art my sweet mother; I confide in thee because thou art “Mother of Jesus”; I entrust myself to thee.

In this trust I rest sure of being heard in everything, with this trust in my heart I greet thee my mother, my confidence; I consecrate myself to thee, begging thee to remember that I am thine own; guard me and defend me, sweet Mary, and in every instant of my life present thyself, to thy Son, Jesus.

The video story of Archbishop Dolan blessing the Gianna Center.

My Mother Saint Gianna: an evening of conversation & prayer with a saint’s son

Gianna with children Pierluigi & Mariolina.jpg

This coming Monday,
May 17
, the Church of St Catherine of Siena in Manhattan will host a lecture by
Pierluigi Molla, the son of St Gianna Berretta Molla, as part of an evening of prayer
for couples struggling with infertility.

join the physicians and staff of The Gianna Center
for Women
 this Monday, May 17 at 6:30 pm for a special Mass,
offered for the intentions of couples struggling with infertility and
pregnancy-related miscarriages.

The Mass will be
followed by a talk by Pierluigi Molla, the living son of St. Gianna Beretta Molla and
an opportunity to view and venerate her relics.

Location: St.
Catherine of Siena Church, 411 East 68th Street, NY (between 1st Ave and York)

Schedule of


6:30 pm   Mass,
offered for the intentions of couples suffering from infertility, recurrent
miscarriage and difficult pregnancies

7:30 pm   Talk by
Pierluigi Molla, son of St. Gianna

8:15 pm   Blessing
with St. Gianna’s relics

8:30 pm Light
reception and book signing

Physicians from
The Gianna Center in midtown Manhattan, which offers a highly effective,
ethically-sound approach to treating infertility, will also be present to
answer questions and offer support.

Saint Gianna Berretta Molla: wife and doctor with a passion for life

St Gianna Molla.jpg

Holy Spirit,
Source of every perfection, give us wisdom, intelligence, and courage so that,
following the example of Saint Gianna and through her intercession, we may know
how to place ourselves at the service of each person we meet in our personal,
family and professional lives, and thus grow in love and holiness. Amen.

As Saint Gianna said, “Every
vocation is a call to motherhood or fatherhood, earthly, spiritual or moral.
God has placed in us an instinct for life. A priest is a father, nuns are
mothers, mothers of souls.”

Read the Holy See’s biography of Saint Gianna Berretta Molla

On this feast of Saint Gianna we look for
heavenly assistance with the certain hope that our prayers will be answered.
Our prayerful request of Saint Gianna is for her to ask the Lord for abundant
graces to carry on the great work of Catholic Healthcare in New York and beyond
at The Gianna Center –The Catholic
Healthcare Center Women
. It’s Pro-life, Pro-woman, Pro-Marriage,
Pro-family and Pro-God!!!!