Schools of Theology: A 2012 Review

First Things editor RR Reno published his “A 2012 Ranking of Graduate Programs in Theology” yesterday, the annual romp through what’s out there for theological formation. A somewhat helpful review but it doesn’t really cover some important data. Nevertheless, it is good to see a review that advances a good perspective. What is that perspective? In my humble opinion: that in all things God may be glorified AND thinking with the Church.

The study of theology is not merely doing an academic program but it is truly a formation of the person so that he or she can be not only an excellent leader in theological investigation, spiritual formation, good pastoral practice but also work that one works out his or her own salvation.
  • The five areas a good school of theology needs to be attentive to: sacred Scripture, sacred Liturgy, patristic study, dogmatic study and ethics. I fully believe that Prosper of Aquataine is correct, and ought to orient all study of theology: legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi. In shorthand, the law of prayer is the law of belief.
I am happy that UND ranked high. I am interested to see how CUA will do in the year to come with the new dean Father Mark Morozowich. He’s got a lot of work to do. CUA is poised.

A Light from the South illuminating the World?

“…the whole purpose of evangelism is to foster friendship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God who reveals both the face of the merciful Father and the truth about our humanity,”

In a June 13, 2012 column on the First Things website, George Weigel published a few brief reflections on his visit to Argentina and the evangelization work being done that resulted in what is being called the “Aparecida Document” (the full text is below) which is a collation of the documents from the Fifth General Assembly of Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM) of 2007. Weigel is naming the very long Aparecida Document as the master plan of evangelization. We ought to take note.

We in the north need this document; we need to study it and to apply its perspective to our context. But beware: we need to have the same thrust —
+ “everything in the Church must be mission-driven”
+ we need a “permanent catechesis: an ongoing encounter with the Lord Jesus, deepened spiritually through Word and Sacrament, the Bible and the Eucharist.”
+ we need to live the Gospel and the Tradition given to us.

Charles Colson, RIP at 80

Charles Colson.jpgThe famed Watergate figure who turned his soul over to Christ has died at the age of 80. He met the Lord at 3:12 pm earlier today.

The Boston paper has a story which you can contrast with the Evangel blog piece hosted by First Things on Colson; I am sure there will be many other comprehensive pieces on Mr Colson in the days ahead.
His own organization posted this tribute to Chuck. It will be remembered that “Chuck’s life is a testimony to God’s power to forgive, redeem, and transform.”
May Charles Colson rest in the peace of the Lord.

Reno new editor of First Things

RR Reno.jpgThe Chairman of the Board of First Things, Robert Louis Wilken, announced that Russell R. Reno is the new editor of First Things.

RR Reno is the sometime professor of theological ethics at Creighton University. He earned a doctorate from Yale University.
Reno recently published Fighting the Noonday Devil and Other Essays Personal and Theological (Eerdmans, 2011).

The appointment is effective April 1. 

RR Reno’s the second successor to Father Richard John Neuhaus. Jody Bottum left the editorship a few months ago.

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Anti-Catholicism, Again: a deeper look into clergy sex abuse

Joseph (Jody) Bottum, Editor of First Things and a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard, wrote what may go down as THE best essay on the sex abuse crisis facing the Catholic Church in the current issue of the Weekly Standard, “Anti-Catholicism: The permanent scandal of the Vatican” (May 3, 2010). Bottum’s piece is long but it’s worth a thorough read. For those looking for the print edition, the article hit the news stands on Saturday in most places but the link is noted above.