Mom, Dad, Lauren and Aunt Gloria attended Mass today at Saint Rose of Lima Church and then we had a festive dinner a local Italian eatery: Father’s Day 2009. Happy to have them visit me where I am living and working for the summer and to celebrate Dad. Peace!
Tag: family
Julius J. Zalonski: RIP on the 22nd
Today is the 22nd anniversary of death of my paternal grandfather, Julius Zalonski. He died after nearly four months of serious health issues. In 1987, Grampi was the first of my grandparents to go to the Lord. His death, like all deaths in a family leave a hole the heart, even 22 years later.
Helen Kawa Zalonski, the 6th anniversary of death
Today is the sixth anniversary of death of my paternal grandmother, Helen Kawa Zalonski. He died on the afternoon of Ascension Thursday in 2003. She is very much missed. May her memory be eternal and may the Good Shepherd keep her in His presence.
Lauren’s 38th Birthday
Mother’s Day with the Z’s
Jeanne Ellen Simeone, 3rd anniv.
Cardinal Bertone speaks about the role of the family and culture today
The Cardinal Secretary of State to His Holiness, Tarcisio Bertone was in
Bertone was interviewed by Carlo Di Cicco, deputy director of the
One of the relevant questions was on the family and culture why the cardinal gave substantial attention to these topics. What is good to keep before our eyes is the witness that BOTH family and culture can have for work in the Kingdom of God. In answer to this query, Cardinal Bertone said:
Because in reality, the family is the first transmitter of values and culture for the new generations; for children and young people growing up, the family is the transmitter of values. This is a proven fact in the experience of family life, despite all the difficulties that mark the way, not only in
I recall a conference, a debate, that took place here in
In the end we agreed that the family is the first instance of the transmission of values — and this is also the conviction of the Popes: of John Paul II and, particularly, Pope Benedict, as taken up in the two messages addressed to
It transmits the identity, the family’s own identity, and the cultural and spiritual identity of a people.
Then the state is born thanks to the grouping, the communion among families, that is why the state should have the mission to strengthen the identity of a people grounded in its roots, in its origins, which later determine the development of both the political and ecclesial community.
Regarding Culture the cardinal was asked: In the meeting with [people of] the world of culture and education you emphasized the limited success that Mexican culture had during the last century. Is it not a rather harsh judgment for a Church that suffered persecution, including a bloody one?
Cardinal Bertone: It is, in fact, a question of harsh judgment. I literally quoted an author, Gabriel Zaid, who remembers his meeting with a European bishop who asked him: “Is a Catholic culture possible in
When this European bishop, more precisely this Dutch bishop, asked him what could be expected of
This diagnosis is certainly pessimistic: I have taken it up again precisely because there have been incentives, highly significant positive aspects, so that it would be very unjust to stress the negative and subscribe fully to this diagnosis.
Nevertheless, the writer’s observation and the bishop’s question require an answer; they are stimulating.
That culture is necessary in the work of the Church, and even more so in humanity itself, was affirmed by Pope John Paul II, in his great address in UNESCO, when he cried out: “The future of man depends on culture! The peace of the world depends on the primacy of the Spirit! The peaceful future of humanity depends on love!” Thus he related peace, culture and love.
For the Church, cultural promotion is an innate reality, written in her DNA, in her history: It is an urgent and necessary imperative.
By the very fact that the Gospel is itself creator of culture, the proclamation of the Gospel is cultural creation.
The truth is that the Church in
Despite his young age, he was arrested, and after his capture he was killed. Before dying, he wrote “Long Live Christ the King,” which was the cry of Mexican martyrs.
That is why
World Meeting of the Families 2009
World Meeting of the Families 2009
The family, teacher of human and Christian values
January 13-18
Mexico City
Our God, indivisible Trinity, you created the human being “in your image” and You admirably formed him as male and female that so together, united and in reciprocal collaboration with love, they fulfilled Your project of “being fecund and dominate the Earth”; We pray to You for all our families that so, finding in You their initial inspiration and model, that is fully expressed in the Holy Family of Nazareth, can live the human and Christian values that are necessary to consolidate and sustain the love experience and to be the foundations of a more human and Christian construction of our society.
We pray to You for the intercession of Mary, our Mother, and Saint Joseph. For Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A video about the Pope’s participation in this magnificent event is seen here.
Mom’s 66th birthday!
Yep! Mom is 66 today! I was able to come to New Haven for dinner with the family to properly celebrate with Mom. God’s blessings. A few recent pics.
(Here’s 3 of 4 us.)
(Here’s Mom and me.)
(Here’s me with Aunt Gloria.)
(Mom, Lauren and Aunt Gloria on a recent trip to Rome.)
And tomorrow is the 42nd wedding anniversary of my parents. May God grant many years!
Defending the Family
A Rome-based news agency made a recent entry on the new head of the Pontifical Council of the Family, Ennio Cardinal
Antonelli can be viewed here.
In 1973, Pope Paul created Committee for the Family and in 1981, Pope John Paul raised this committee to the rank of a “Pontifical Council.” The mission, therefore of the Pontifical Council for the Family is being “…responsible for the promotion of the pastoral ministry and apostolate to the family, through the application of the teachings and guidelines of the ecclesiastical Magisterium, to help Christian families fulfill their educational and apostolic mission. It also promotes and coordinates pastoral efforts related to the issue of responsible procreation, and encourages, sustains and coordinates initiatives in defense of human life in all stages of its existence, from conception to natural death.”
Here in the US, the faithful know that in the Venerable Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney they have a heavenly patron for the protection of families.
Hence, the Knights of Columbus has as one of its hallmarks the defense of the family and it frequently stands up for the family from the vulgar attacks the family faces today. It is very clear to me that one can find no other lay Catholic organization that defends the dignity of the family than the KofC today. Also, the work of the US bishops on behalf of the family should be noted.
Let’s pray for families especially those facing some difficulty that the protection of Mary Most Holy and of Saint Joseph will be with them. It is the desire of us all that families resist the disintegrating forces of certain elements in contemporary culture which undermine the very foundations of the family. Hence, this desire is only realized through prayer, hard work, education and courage. And as the Pope Benedict asks, “us resolve to make our own homes radiate with Christ’s loving harmony and peace.”
The 6th World Encounter of Families is scheduled for 13-18 January 2009 in Mexico. It is hoped that the Pope would attend this meeting.
I am grateful for my family as they have been a great grace to me. My parents are married 42 years this November and this is a wonderful thing! May God grant them many more years together.