Category: Culture
Why the face?
Bitchy Resting Face (BRF) is a syndrome that portrays a sour expression. Thoughtfully sad and silently suffering people, typically women. (There is a male version which I will leave alone for now.) Do you find it hard to match the others joyous attitude in an honest way? Are you smiling?
Remembering Gerard Manley Hopkins, priest
On this date in 1889, Jesuit Father Gerard Manley Hopkins died. He was a convert and a poet. Hopkins struggled with having good physical and mental health.
Hopkins’ poetry is extraordinary and innovative in the use of language and form. It is said the was influence more by the Franciscan school than the Thomists.
O God, You did raise Your servant, Gerard Manley Hopkins, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Your own Holy Name. We beseech You to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Your Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Christ the Zumba Instructor in Rome
Father Andrew Greeley, RIP
The famed Chicago priest, sociologist and novelist Father Andrew Greeley died on Thursday. He was 85 and in poor health since 2008. He died in his sleep.
Learning Latin is still possible, and encouraged
The Latin language is far from being extinct even though you only hear it at times in Church. Our common experience today at Mass prayed in the Ordinary Forum is often in the language of the people. The official language of the Catholic Church, however, remains Latin: the texts of the church, the texts of the pope, and importantly, in the prayer of the Church. Fear not. The “house” language today, the daily work of the curia is Italian. It is possible that at some point English will replace Italian.
A future Roman Pontiff?
John Rutter’s Mass of the Children at Carnegie Hall
John Rutter’s “Mass of the Children” is being performed by several choirs at the famous Carnegie Hall.
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium, Perelman Stage 57th Street & 7th Avenue, NYC
Tickets: $15! (Reg. $55)
The invite with special codes for the discount: Rutter’s Mass of the Children.pdf
A working cardinal: O’Malley really does work
Boston’s Cardinal does outdoor work.