Talking about Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop2.jpgA record number of Australians flocked to Rome last week to attend to the Mass and rites of canonization celebrated by Pope Benedict of 6 people, among them was Australia’s first saint, Sister Mary of the Cross MacKillop. While many will make her the patron saint of the former ex-communicate, she is for me an example of staying faithful to Christ even when ecclesiastics are unusually harsh in their pastoral judgment. For Saint Mary of the Cross for us too, Jesus told us that upon Peter is the Church built; and that’s how we follow Christ: by remaining on that Rock. As her own religious name indicates, “of the Cross,” we ought to carry our cross but with Christ helping us. We don’t go through life alone!!!! The Lord is there with us, right now.

Religion & Ethics Newsweekly has a story on Saint Mary of the Cross which notes the response of people generally unaffected by the practice of faith.
Saint Mary of the Cross, remember Australia at the Throne of Grace and us, too.

The Simpsons and Religion

simpsons family.jpgIn the last few days the Catholic and secular media have picked up a story in L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, on the famous show, “The Simpsons.” To me, the show is OK social commentary and therefore not for young audiences. The show is now in its 22nd season and broadcast to 90 countries. The claim is that Homer J. Simpson is Catholic. Well…. The Jesuit periodical, La Civiltà Cattolica published last week Jesuit Francesco Occhetta’s essay, “‘The Simpsons’ and Religion.” For what’s it’s worth, here is the précis of the article says:

“Today, even after 24 television series and a blockbuster movie, the Simpsons
are still breaking records: the program is watched by 100 million viewers, in
90 countries worldwide. The story of the life of a regular family, of a
cross-section of American society and individual problems are the reasons why
viewers identify themselves with The Simpsons. This article also examines the
relationship between the protagonists of this American sitcom and religion. “The Simpsons” are among the few television programs for young people in which,
although sometimes treated with a certain superficiality, the Christian faith,
religious practice and the question of God are recurring themes.” 
(Copyright © La Civiltà
2010 IV 140-149 issue 3848)

You’ll have to get a subscription to La Civiltà Cattolica to read the whole thesis. I am not sure I’d bother unless you’re a Catholic culture-vulture.

Komen Foundation supports Planned Parenthood, abortion mill

Komen for the Cure.jpgToo many women, too many friends, have or have had, breast cancer. Just the other day in the local newspaper there was an obit for a young woman who died of breast cancer at 43 years. Her battle with an ugly disease captured my prayer for that day. It drew to intensify my own resolve to work in simple ways to work for a cure but my angle is the spiritual battle; first petitioning the patron saint of those living with diseases of the breast, Saint Agatha. (If you’re a Communio reader you might remember attention focussed on Saint Agatha’s spiritual patronage for breast cancer survivors especially in February.)

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation is certainly one of the big funding agencies for breast cancer research. Their work is noteworthy. BUT the Komen Foundation is a very significant financial supporter of Planned Parenthood, an organization that does more than 25% of the abortions in the USA. An unacceptable collaboration for men and women of good will who work for the dignity of human life at all stages. And while 7.5 million dollars is a fraction of Komen’s overall budget, any amount money going to the work of an abortion mill is too much money. I don’t believe, in fact, I think there is deliberate hoodwinking of the Komen Foundation’s spokesperson who offers a justification of the use of money: he claims a small amount of money goes to Planned Parenthood for breast health programs.

Steven Ertelt, Editor of has an article, “Komen for the Cure Donated $7.5M to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in 2009,” following the money from Komen to Planned Parenthood. Instead of sticking closely to a noble cause of breast health research Komen contributes to the heinous crime of killing babies.
The Susan G Komen for the Cure is NOT to be supported by Christians, of any stripe!
Saint Agatha, pray for us!!!

Firsts for the US Supreme Court 2010

US Supreme Court.jpgThere are several “firsts” for the new session of the Supreme Court of the United States. Among the firsts:

  • members of the bench are either Catholic (6) or Jewish (3)– there are no Protestants serving
  • 1/3 of the members of the bench are women
  • first time in 35 years that Justice John Paul Stevens will not serve as a Justice
  • Justice Kagan is the 100th Supreme Court Justice
Read the brief overview of the Supreme Court

100 years of the Boy Scouts of America

BSA.jpgA CNS story caught my eye this morning regarding the positive impact of membership in Scouts and a priestly/religious vocation. I would agree, membership in Scouts contributed to my own discernment of a priestly vocation. The Scouts certainly takes serious the development of the whole person and works on interpersonal relationships as well as trusting others, BSA builds tomorrow’s leaders.

The Boy Scouts of America is celebrating 100 years this year. Congrats and abundant blessings!