One of my favorite 16th century recusant poets is Saint Robert Southwell, an English Jesuit who preached the gospel in very trying circumstances. Southwell chose the obedience to be a Catholic priest in a country that outright persecuted Catholics and their priests. Ordained a Jesuit priest in 1584, his personal, theological and ministerial imagination, his human and divine calling, was to respond positively to a letter of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus of February 20, 1585 looking for missionaries to England. Southwell knew that his positive response to his religious superior would very likely end in martyrdom. Saint Robert Southwell’s poetry is challenging for the 21st century ear but worth the work of coming to understand his art and message. One such poem is “New Heaven, New War” expressing the Mystery of the Incarnation of God in history, the birth of Jesus.
Category: Culture
Tom Jones’ Praise & Blame
Sir Tom Jones, 70, the legendary Welsh born musician known for “She’s a Lady” and “Sex Bomb” released a new album that can’t be missed. Jones was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2006. His July 2010 album “Praise and Blame”, his 36th album, is strongly influenced by the genres of gospel, rock, country, and the blues and it has received a critical review.
Happy Winter
The Unseen World: a film on Blessed John Henry Newman & priesthood
Liana Marabini is the Director of “The Unseen World,” a film exploring the life of Blessed John Henry Newman and the vocation to the priesthood. Newman is being played by Murray Abraham who is the Oscar winning actor in “Amadeus” (1984). “The Unseen World” is due out in 2011.
Orazio Soricelli visits New Haven, honors St Andrew the Apostle
New Haven has many residents whose family hails from Amalfi, Italy. The Italian heritage society, The Saint Andrew Society of New Haven (Società di Sant’Andrea Apostolo), draws the old time Italians, most by now have only an affection of Amalfi but neither speak the Italian language nor have been to the beautiful sea-side town.
Continue reading Orazio Soricelli visits New Haven, honors St Andrew the Apostle
The Proclamation of Thanksgiving according to Abraham Lincoln
The year that is
drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful
fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed
that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been
added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to
penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever
watchful providence of Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequaled
magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite
and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations,
order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony
has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that
theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the
Continue reading The Proclamation of Thanksgiving according to Abraham Lincoln
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki RIP
The NY Times reports this afternoon that Henryk Mikolaj Górecki died today after a period of illness. Gorecki was 76.
Veterans Day 2010
Let’s pray for the women and men who have died in service of the United States of America and for those now serving in the military services and those retired military persons. In thanksgiving we commend these people to the Lord for his mercy and his love. Saints Martin of Tours, Michael and George, pray for us.
The Human Experience goes to Madrid, coming to New Haven
If you’ve not seen the Grassroots film documenting 2 young men’s interrogation of life in the film “The Human Experience,” then I would say you’ve missed a great opportunity to think about the reality with which we are confronted with daily.
Abortion and breast cancer: a race to the truth
A few weeks ago I posted a brief piece on Komen Foundation giving funds to Planned Parenthood. Today, ran an article “Race for the Truth About the Susan G. Komen Foundation: Is Abortion and Hormonal Contraception a Prescription for Breast Cancer?” by Jenn Giroux, the executive director of Human Life International in America. Sometimes I wonder when the truth will be revealed!