“The Snow-Storm” comes to mind today. There’s a certain end-times (should we say a 19th century apocalypticism?) quality to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem that life and death are confronted, forward motion is reduced-if-not-halted the boundaries are indistinct. Looking out my window I see the barrenness of the landscape with only the evergreens providing color save for the woodpecker, the bluejay and the cardinals collecting their food at the feeder. The property lines aren’t present and movement is difficult either by foot, car, or train, and forget the airplane. The vivid white of the snow and ice is blinding.
Category: Culture
51 days till Spring
The Siena Forum for Faith and Culture announced in NYC
The mission of The Siena Forum for Faith and Culture
seeks to critically examine and promote the rich diversity of the Catholic
faith and its practices that advance authentic human flourishing and its common
good. Our goal is to bridge the gap between faith and reason. The work of the
Forum is rooted in relationships among theology, art, culture, since,
education; the activities of the Forum include pastoral practice, leadership
development, talks, debates courses, seminars, publications, cultural events,
and exhibitions to help people integrate their faith in Jesus Christ as a
dynamic lived experience.
EWTN to acquire National Catholic Register
The president and CEO of EWTN, Michael Warsaw sees the National Catholic Register is a perfect addition to their teaching apostolate. So they intend to purchase the newspaper from the Legion of Christ. The Legion has owned the 83 year old newspaper for 15 years. Yet another example of their fall from grace. The takeover happens February 1st.
When ice is involved… morning joys!
Christian Courtship in an Oversexed World: A Guide for Catholics
The Catholic Fellowship of NYC is sponsoring a
Theology on Tap Event this Thursday… January 20, 2011 starting at 7:30pm
discussing the topic of
Street & Cathedral Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Thomas G. Morrow is the featured speaker. Father Morrow is a priest of the
Archdiocese of Washington, DC; he earned the STD in moral theology from Pope
John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in 1999, the
co-founder of the St. Catherine Society and the St. Lawrence Society,
respectively for women and men seeking spiritual growth. Morrow is an assistant
priest at the Church of Saint Catherine Labouré, Wheaton, MD.
Martin Luther King, Jr Day 2011
Happy New Year –2011!!!!!!!!
Geraldine Doyle –the face of Rosie the Riveter –We Can Do It ! RIP
The Tidings Brought to Mary
Paul Claudel’s extraordinary play, “The Tidings Brought to Mary” will be presented by Blackfriars Repertory Theater and the Storm Theater.