About our sister Saint Hildegard
Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) whom the Church raises up for us is a remarkable woman: deeply committed to seeking God, a friend of the Lord, and a pastor of souls. In her era she lived to almost 80 years, a rare age then and as it echoes the psalmsist. One point of context: Hildegard was born in the year that the Cistercian reform of monasticism was born. She is remembered for being an abbess, a reformer, a theologian, a singer-songwriter, a mystic, a biologist, an environmentalist, and a dialogue partner with world leaders. Are we clear that Saint Hildegard was intelligent and competent?
Today, the Benedictine nuns of an abbey under Saint Hildegard’s patronage continues to thrive in Germany. On another note, Pope Benedict said, in the Wednesday Angelus address (9/17): “I met with men and women from the world of culture, with whom I reflected on the monastic ideal of seeking God–quaerere Deum–as the bedrock of European culture. I wished to emphasize that meditation on the Scriptures opens our minds and hearts to the Logos, God’s Creative Reason in the flesh.”
For those interested in the Mass prayers for today’s memorial:
The Spouse of Christ Hildegard, illuminated the Holy Church by the light of her wholesome doctrine. Grace is poured out upon thy lips. Therefore God has blessed thee forever.
Opening Collect
O God,
Who did adorn blessed Hildegard, Thy virgin,
with heavenly gifts; we beseech Thee, grant that following her example and teaching, we may deserve to pass from darkness of this present world into the gladdening light of Thy presence.
Prayer Over the Gifts
Lord, may the gifts we bring You help us follow the example of Saint Hildegard. Cleanse us from our earthly way of life, and teach us to live the new life of your kingdom.
Communion Antiphon
The five sensible virgins took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. At midnight a cry was heard: the bridegroom is here; let us go out to meet Christ the Lord. (Matthew 25:4,6)
Post-Communion Collect
Lord, may our reception of the body and blood of Your Son keep us from harmful things. Help us by the example of Saint Hildegard to grow in Your love on earth that we may rejoice for ever in heaven.
Saints have a way of “chasing me down.” Many “Catherines” are doing that, but I find that I must also get to know Hildegard! Her name’s been popping up and her image on books and DVD’s that have caught my eye of late. Thank you for this most interesting post. It’s a sure sign that she’s calling me to come and spend some time with her,and learn from her and her beautiful friendship with Jesus. The more we get to know the friends of Jesus from their lives here, the more we get to know Him and the more we know Him the better our living out our calling to be his friends and one day meet merrily in heaven to be with our Blessed Mother and with Him, our Savior and Lord, Friend and Brother forever.
thanks for sharing the blog. keep it up to date
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