Today, November 13, we celebrate the feast of All Saints who persevered under the Rule of Saint Benedict are now with God as intercessors for us at the Throne of Grace. The observance of different day for “Benedictine All Saints” is a holdover when the calendar was reformed by Pope Gregory. Nevertheless, the monks, nuns, and oblates who follow the holy Rule venerate the named and un-named saints of their monasteries.
Let us all rejoice in the Lord, celebrating a festival in honor of all the saints who did battle under the Rule of Saint Benedict, at whose solemnity the Angels rejoice and all together praise the Son of God.
With the Church, let us pray,
Almighty and ever-faithful God, who ceaselessly bestow the gift of monastic life upon your Church, grant us, we beseech you, perseverance in that same vocation that we may advance full of gratitude for those who have gone before us on this path, holding nothing more dear than Christ.