Keeping the mission in front us

Fr Herald CFR.jpegMissions to help people find their true humanity and to know the mercy of Christ and friends, always needs our personal attention: friendship, prayers & study and financial assistance. Can I get you thinking about the foreign missions by personally undertaking some work to know the good work of missionaries and the work of the Holy Spirit? 

Consider this blog post a seed planted: make a plan to go to the missions for period of time (even for a week), support a project with friendly letters, human contact and financial support and most certainly with your prayer to the Saints Francis Xavier, Therese of Lisieux and Josephine Bahkita for their intercession before God’s throne.

In all the consider you make, perhaps you may want to pray the Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Feeling a call to serve as a missionary in the Sudan, one of Africa’s incredibly poor countries, Father Herald Joseph Brock, CFR asked his superiors if he could serve the Church in Sudan. With tremendous generosity of the Friars of the Renewal and friends, Father Herald is rocking on… Father Herald writes a blog, “CFR Sudan Mission,” to keep friends engaged in his projects.

Making donations to the Franciscan Mission Outreach –CFR Sudan Mission can be done here. Last September I made a plea for help for the Mission.

CFR Sudan Mission

Fr Herald & Eric.jpeg

Appeals for money on this blog are rare but I believe in giving to needy philanthropic projects. Plus, this request comes via my friend Henry who is connected with the priest in question (and seen to the right).

On my own recommendation I urge you to give because I believe the work and witness of the Franciscans. AND that I am in school with many Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, I am asking for consideration of Father Herald Brock’s mission work. Father Herald is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal. Therefore, I want to encourage you to consider making a donation.  Details about the situation are on Father Herald’s blog.

Donations in the form of checks or money orders made out to “CFR Sudan Mission,” can be sent to the following address:


CFR Sudan Mission
PO Box 1086
Secaucus, NJ 07096-1086


Please note in the memo box if you would like the funds to be used for hunger relief.

Peace in Christ