Saint Maron

Saint Maron

Today we liturgically recall the witness of the great church father, Saint Maron. Monk and founder. The Sedro for the saint is noted below tells us the importance Maron has for us and why we remember and follow him. The accent has to be on following, that is, seeking, Christ through the witness of the saints.

Blessed are you, Saint Maron, for you fought the good fight on Mount Cyrrhus, and the faithful from everywhere came to you. Your prayers healed the sick, guided those gone astray, and brought back sinners to righteousness and salvation.

Blessed are you, Saint Maron, for you became a prayer on the lips of the faithful, and a living example for the people who bear your name and will be known as Maronites to the end of the age.

Sedro, Liturgy of the Word for the Feast of Saint Maron

Saint Maron

Mor Maron.jpg

Holy are You O God,
Holy are You O Strong One,
Holy are You O Immortal One,
O Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us; Lord teach us to pray!

Saint Maron, pray for us.