Saint George

St George


“your life was worthy of your name, Glorious George:
You have taken the cross of Christ on your shoulders,
You have benefited the ground which became barren by the deception of the devil
And, having removed as thorny bush the worship of idols,
You planted the seedĀ of the true faith.
So, too, you can the cure the faithful of all the earth,
And you show yourself to be the good grower of the Most Holy Trinity.
Intercede, we ask you, for the peace of the world
And for the salvation of our souls.” (Byzantine Liturgy)

Saint George, pray for us.

St. George and The Dragon

Let us pray for the Roman Pontiff whose baptismal name is George, and for all those who claim the saint has their heavenly patron before God Almighty.

St. George and The Dragon

 frontal St. George's Chapel, Windsor.jpg

Of Hector’s deeds did Homer sing,

And of the sack of stately Troy, 

What griefs fair Helena did bring,

Which was Sir Paris’ only joy: 

And by my pen I will recite

St. George’s deeds, and English knight.

Against the Sarazens so rude

Fought he full long and many a day,

Where many gyants he subdu’d,

In honour of the Christian way;

And after many adventures past,

To Egypt land he came at last.

Now, as the story plain doth tell, 

Within that countrey there did rest

A dreadful dragon fierce and fell,

Whereby they were full sore opprest:

Who by his poisonous breath each day

Did many of the city slay.

The grief whereof did grow so great

Throughout the limits of the land, 

That they their wise-men did intreat

To shew their cunning out of hand;

What way they might this fiend destroy,

That did the countrey thus annoy. 

The wise-men all before the king,

This answer fram’d incontinent:

The dragon none to death might bring

By any means they could invent;

His skin more hard than brass was found,

That sword nor spear could pierce nor wound.

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