Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for December 2012

papa prega.jpgThe December prayer intentions of the Pope have us praying for migrants and for the Light of the Incarnation to radiate from our own faces as witnesses to someone greater than ourselves. These are particularly poignant set of prayer intentions for us in the USA: we are a nation of immigrants; we are a City set on a hill. Our solidarity in prayer if not in other concrete ways ought to remind us of our roots.

Let’s us join with Pope Benedict to pray for those who have left their home in the hope of finding work, peace, love and acceptance in other lands. Are we still hospitable children of God?

The general intention

That migrants throughout the world may be welcomed
with generosity and authentic love, especially by Christian communities.

The missionary intention

Christ may reveal himself to all humanity with the light that shines forth from
Bethlehem and is reflected in the face of his Church.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for November 2012

Pope enjoys breeze.jpgPraying with and for another expands our life, it gives us a new point of view. This is especially true when we unite ourselves in prayer with the monthly prayer intentions published by the Apostleship
of Prayer
, and published here on the Communio
blog on first day of the month.

The Apostleship of Prayer may
be consider as the Pope’s personal prayer group. Blessed John Paul II wrote in
1985 of the Apostleship of Prayer as “a precious treasure from the Pope’s heart
and the Heart of Christ.” Since 1844, the Apostleship has been a work of the
Society of Jesus and there are some 50 million apostles praying with and for
the Holy Father. Consider joining the Apostleship of Prayer by visiting the link above.

Our prayer intentions…

General intention

That bishops, priests, and all ministers of
the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the crucified and
risen Lord.

Mission intention

That the pilgrim church on earth may shine as a
light to the nations.

Remember Your mercies, O Lord, as a we lift our prayer to
you for the Church.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for October 2012

Benedict Prays at John Paul II Coffin.jpg

At the foot of
the Cross, and with the help of Saint Thérèse, we ask for the following with
Pope Benedict:

The general intention 

That the New Evangelization may progress in
the oldest Christian countries. 

The mission intention 

That the celebration of
World Mission Day may result in a renewed commitment to evangelization.

Also, may I recommend to our daily prayers the work the Church is about to embark on, that is the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization and those who are dealing with addiction (I have a family member who is trying to kick her addictions to the curb, but is facing her own opposition.)

Saints Joseph and Thérèse, pray for us.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for September 2012

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“… it is the community prayer of the Word of God that stands out for … [St Benedict] as the most vital prayer for everyone because everyone is involved in it, because the whole Church and all mankind are included in it…”

Saint Benedict’s Rule
Abbot Patrick Barry, OSB

Ampleforth Abbey

For September, let’s offer a rosary and other good works for the intentions of the Pope. As Abbot Patrick said above, the community’s prayer includes all people.

The general

That politicians may always act with honesty, integrity, and love for
the truth. 

The missionary intention

That Christian communities may have a
growing willingness to send missionaries, priests, and lay people, along with
concrete resources, to the poorest Churches.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for August 2012

B16 at Gandolfo 2012.jpgHow often do we take seriously the Lord’s teaching that we ought to pray (and care for) our enemies? Likely, not often. We allowed our emotions and prejudices and our hurt to get in the way of loving those who oppose even in a small way. It’s been said, “Our simple and profound life, in which every moment of
the day is offered to God, helps them find purpose in their often difficult
life behind bars.” Pope Benedict’s intentions for August draw us closer to what the Lord wants. Let’s join him and the Church in prayer for the human dignity of those in jail.

The general intention 

That prisoners may be treated with
justice and respect for their human dignity.

The missionary intention

That young
people, called to follow Christ, may be willing to proclaim and bear witness to
the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for July 2012

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As Blessed Ildefonso Schuster reminds, “Prayer is indeed the atmosphere in which holiness develops and flourishes.”  So, let’s work on our prayer with His Holiness for the month of July with the hope of a flourishing life of prayer in our daily life.

For the month July let’s pray for the following:

The Pope’s general intention

That everyone may have work in safe and secure conditions. 

The Pope’s missionary intention

That Christian volunteers in mission territories may witness to the love of Christ.

Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for May 2012

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We join with the Pope, Benedict XVI, in prayer before the Divine Majesty for the following intentions:

The general intention

That initiatives which defend and uphold the role of the family may be promoted within society.

The missionary intention


That Mary, Queen of the World and Star of Evangelization, may accompany all missionaries in proclaiming her Son Jesus.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for March 2012

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As Queen Esther asked God for grace to follow Him more closely, so we do the same…. 

The Pope asks us to join him during the month of March in praying for women and for those face the trial of discrimination.

The general intention

That the whole world may recognize the contribution of women to the development of society.

The mission intention

That the Holy Spirit may grant perseverance to those who suffer discrimination, persecution or death for the name of Christ, particularly in Asia.