Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for December 2010

Pope on June 2 2010.jpgPope Benedict’s invitation to prayer for the month of December, these last days of the calendar year for our unity with him before the Throne of Grace. Ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to hear and answer our prayers:

The general intention
That our experience of suffering may help us better understand the pain of the many people who are alone, sick, or aged, and stir us to generous help.
The mission intention
That the peoples of the earth may open their doors to Christ and to his gospel of peace, brotherhood, and justice.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for November 2010

B16 kisses child Oct 27 2010.jpgYou & me, all Christians and people of good will ought to have a habit of prayer, of turning to God because prayer has the effect of naturalizing and lifting the soul beyond the temporal. Join me in praying for these two intentions given by the Pope to us when we turn to God.

The general intention

That through the support of the Christian community,
all victims of addiction may find in the power of our saving God strength for a
radical life change.

The missionary intention

That the Latin American Churches may move forward with the
continent-wide mission proposed by their bishops, assuming their share of the
universal missionary task of God’s people.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for October 2010

Benedict XVI Sept 19 2010.jpgKeeping the Pope and his intentions in front of us in prayer and in conversation, October’s intentions are the following:

The general intention

That Catholic Universities may
increasingly become places where, in light of the gospel, people may experience
the unity of faith and reason.

The mission intention

That World Mission Day may
help Christians realize that the task of proclaiming Christ is a necessary
service to which the Church is called for the benefit of humanity.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for September 2010

Prayer is realizing that we are in relationship with the Trinity: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Prayer before the Blessed Trinity is what defines us. For the month of September, let us keep in mind and heart the following prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father:

The general intention
That the proclamation of the Word of God may renew people’s hearts, encouraging them to work toward authentic social progress.
The missionary intention
That by opening our hearts to love we may put an end to the wars and conflicts which continue to bloody our world.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for August 2010

Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, whose feast is celebrated today, tells in his “Necessity and Power of Prayer,” that “St. Isidore observes, the devil is never more busy to distract us with the thoughts of worldly cares than when he perceives us praying and asking God for grace: ‘Then mostly does the devil insinuate thoughts, when he sees a man praying.'”

In union with Pope Benedict and the Church, we challenge the devil in making the following prayers to God:

The general intention

That those who are unemployed, homeless, or in any serious need may find welcome, understanding, and help in overcoming their difficulties.

The missionary intention

That the Church may be a home for all people in need, opening its doors to any who suffer from racial or religious discrimination, hunger, or wars forcing their emigration.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for July 2010

We all are united with the Church under the guidance of the Pope, Benedict XVI, in praying for the following intentions in the month of July. The Pope entrusts us with these prayers hoping that all of us, united in faith, hope and charity, would be aware of the needs of Mother Church and the world when we offer our daily sacrifice of prayer to God.

The general intention
That elections in every nation may be carried out with justice, transparency, and honesty, respecting the free decisions of citizens.
The missionary intention
That Christians may strive to promote everywhere, but especially in our cities, education, justice, solidarity, and peace.

Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for June 2010

Pope Benedict XVI formal.jpgUnited with Pope Benedict in prayer for the needs of the Church, for the month of June we keep in heart and mind with the Pope the following:

The general intention

That every national and international institution may strive to guarantee respect for human life from conception to natural death.

The mission intention

That the Churches in Asia, a “little flock” among non-Christian populations, may communicate the Gospel well and give joyful witness to their faith.

Pope Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions for May 2010

Pope Benedict asks that we pray specifically for these intentions during the month of May. Recall what  Saint Augustine called prayer: the soul’s affectionate quest for God. May our prayer be just that: affectionate and a sincere search for a relationship with our loving heavenly Father.

The general

That the shameful and monstrous trafficking in human beings, which
sadly involves millions of women and children, may stop.

The missionary

That priests, religious women and men, and lay people involved in
apostolic work may understand how to bring missionary enthusiasm to the
communities they serve

Pope Benedict’s monthly prayer intention: April 2010

April 2010.jpgJesus told us to ask His Father for that which we need because we radically depend on Him. We are bold to bring to God the Father, in the name of Jesus, under the power of the Holy Spirit, the following needs that Pope Benedict named for the Church:


The general intention


That every tendency to fundamentalism and extremism may be countered by constant respect, by tolerance and by dialogue among all believers.


The missionary intention


That Christians persecuted for the sake of the Gospel may persevere, sustained by the Holy Spirit, in faithfully witnessing to the love of God for the entire human race.

Pope Benedict’s monthly prayer intentions: March 2010

March 2010.jpgUnited in prayer to God the Father, we ask Him to hear the pope’s prayers for this month, especially,


The general intention


That the world economy may be managed according to the principles of justice and equity, taking account of the real needs of peoples, especially the poorest.


The missionary intention


That the Churches in Africa may be signs and instruments of reconciliation and justice in every part of that continent.