Gratitude for the things God provides

We are moving to the end of the liturgical year quickly: November 22, in the Ordinary Form of the Mass, is the feast of Christ the King and the last Sunday of the year. The readings are all pointing to a deeper question as to whom do we belong and who is the source of our hope. For this 32nd Sunday of of the year we are reading Mark’s gospel (12:38-44) concerning the poor widow and the Temple and God’s faithfulness to us. Jesus notes not the widow’s generosity (responsibility) but her faithfulness to the promises of God because she knows deep-down that all things in life are sustained by God. Hers is a radical sense of gratitude.

Knowing and caring about the poor is a Christian way. How do we live with an attitude of abundance? Abundance, here, is more than material things. The Decree of Gratian taught: “Feed the man dying of hunger, because if you have not fed him, you have killed him.”

A reflection from St. Paulinus of Nola might help us to focus: “Remember the poor widow who forgot herself in her concern for the poor and, thinking only of the life to come, gave away all her means of subsistence…So let us give back to the Lord the gifts he has given us. Let us give to him who receives in the person of every poor man or woman. Let us give gladly, I say, and great joy will be ours when we receive his promised reward.”

Pope Benedict lunches with Rome’s poor, marks Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday

B16 having lunch with the poor.jpg

Earlier today
the Paul VI Audience Hall was the setting for lunch with 250 of Rome’s
economically and socially challenged people with Pope Benedict XVI. For him, it
was an opportunity to meet Christ in brothers and sisters. The world, of
course, is more interested in knowing what the papal guests ate. The newswires
report that lasagna, veal and cake were on the menu. The Pope’s friends for
lunch are people who interface on a daily basis with the Missionaries of
Charity, the group of sisters founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Blessed Teresa’s 100th birthday is this year and the Pope wanted to acknowledge
the greatness of the woman who focused our attention to those most loved by God
and despised by the world.

Dear friends,

I’m very happy to be here today with
you, and I extend warm greetings to the Reverend Mother General of the
Missionaries of Charity, to the priests, sisters, contemplative brothers and
all of you here to enjoy this brotherly moment together.

Continue reading Pope Benedict lunches with Rome’s poor, marks Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday