New Nuncio to the UN appointed

On Saturday, the Pope made news for the USA: Italian Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia is the new representative of the Holy See to the United Nations. He succeeds Philippine Archbishop Bernardito Auza, who was named by the Pope as Apostolic Nuncio to Spain and Andorra. Since September 12, 2017, Archbishop Caccia has been serving the Church as the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines. We pray that he will be accessible to both the UN, the Church in the USA and in New York.

According to the Vatican News Service, says the following of Archbishop Caccia:

Born in Milan, northern Italy, on 24 February 1958, he has ordained to the priesthood on 11 June 1983.  After serving in a parish for three years, he was sent to the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome where obtained a Doctorate in Theology and a Licentiate in Canon Law from the Pontifical Gregorian University.

Upon graduation in 1991, he entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See.  His first assignment was at the Apostolic Nunciature in Tanzania, where he served for two years, until in 1993 he returned to Rome to work in the First Section (for General Affairs) of the Secretariat of State of the Vatican.

On December 17, 2002, he was appointed Assessor for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State. On July 16, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon and also an archbishop.

He was consecrated bishop on September 12, 2009, by Pope Benedict. On September 12, 2017, Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines.

Archbishop Caccia will arrive in New York to assume his new responsibilities on January 16, 2020.  He speaks English, French and German.

Archbishop Caccia becomes the seventh Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York since the Holy See became a Permanent Observer State on April 6, 1964.

Speaking about his new responsibility, Archbishop Caccia said, “I have really loved my time in the Philippines and will miss this beautiful country and its faithful people, to whom I express my deepest gratitude.”

He hopes to be able to fulfil well the new task that Pope Francis has entrusted to him, “seeking to bring the light of Catholic social teaching to the discussions and debates of the international community.”

The UN is celebrating its 75th anniversary next year, and Archbishop Cassia says he is looking forward to helping the Holy See assist the world body in “renewing its commitment to the pillars of its Charter, preventing the scourge of war, defending human dignity and rights, promoting integral development, and fostering respect and implementation of international law and treaties.”

Nuncio takes up work in Ireland

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The Pope’s man in Ireland, Archbishop Charles J. Brown, arrives to take up his duties. He’s greeted by Seán Cardinal  Brady (Archbishop of Armagh) and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (Archbishop of Dublin). The newly ordained archbishop is a New York native and until recently has been working in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Saint Patrick, pray for Ireland.

Carlo Maria Viganò, America’s New Nuncio, to arrive soon

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His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 70, was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be his personal representative to the Church in the United States and to the US government, on 19 October 2011. As ambassador he’ll have to recommend to the Pope the new bishops, handle ecclesial matters of significance and work with the US politicians. Archbishop Viganò met with the Pope this morning. He is set arrive in time for the general meeting of US Bishops, 14-16 November in Baltimore.

David Kerr of The National Catholic Register has a story relating these diplomatic events and more of Viganò’s history.

You may also want to read Cindy Wooden of the Catholic News Service’s October 19th article for a another perspective.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was born in Varese, Italy (Lombardy) and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Pavia (the place where St Augustine of Hippo is buried) but since 1973 Viganò has been in the service ot the Holy See. Since 1992, he’s been a bishop. His past postings have been as Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria, and since 1998 he’s been an official in the Secretariat of State. Recently, recently he’s been the Secretary to the Governate of Vatican City State.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s appointment to the office of Nuncio fills the gap left when Pietro Sambi died on 27 July 2011. His Excellency is the 14th representative of the Pope on US shores.

The United States of America has had a delegation from the Holy See since 24 January 1893; the delegation became a full-fledged Nunciature on 10 January 1984.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. 

Pietro Sambi, 73, Pope’s ambassador to the USA, RIP

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His Excellency, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, 73, died tonight complications following a delicate lung surgery.
His family was called to his bedside last week.
The Archbishop’s work in the USA was to be the Pope’s ambassador to government and to be the Pope’s voice to the Church here. He’s been in the USA since 2006.
In ministry, Sambi has been a priest for 47 years and a bishop for 25.
The Church has lost a wonderful brother, priest and witness to Jesus Christ.
May the Good Shepherd guide Archbishop Sambi to full communion with Him.
Bishop Robert Lynch remembers the Nuncio on his blog.
May Pietro Sambi’s memory be eternal.

Vatican’s new man at the UN

Francis Assisi Chullikatt.jpgEdward Pentin makes a brief intro of the new Apostolic Nuncio to the United Nations, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt, JCD, 57, 32 years a priest and four years a bishop. The new nuncio is the first non-Italian to hold this appointment; he’s also worked at the New York Mission of the Holy See and other diplomatic missions for the Apostolic See.

The news post of the Conference of Religious India Bulletin
Here is the homily delivered by Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo on the occasion of the episcopal ordination of His Excellency.
May God grant the Archbishop his heart’s desire as expressed in his motto, Fidei in Virtute (By the power of faith) that all will be accomplished for the True, the Beautiful, the Good and the One.