Protecting women and motherhood ought to be our daily work. For physicians all the more. In fact, this week in Rome, the Internation Federation of Catholic Physicians (FIAMC) is meeting on the realtionship between and doctors. The English language congress, “The Dignity of Mothers and Obstetricians – Who on Earth Cares!” is organized by the MaterCare International and sponsored by FIAMC) with the assistance of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Around the world basic and unsafe conditions for women bearing children is a probelm. And thus, infant and mother mortality is a crucial problem. In the 21st century this ought not to be the case. What, if anything, can “regular” person do about it? Raise the consciousness of others about the problem and work at the local level to make sure that women have proper gynecological and pre-natal care. Being pregnant is not a disease, it is life bearing life; a pregnant woman is closely working with God to bring a human being into this world.
Saint Gianna, pray for us!